
      in process.....

From Networks of Power

From: 36 Views of Richborough Power Station
From: 36 Views of Richborough Power Station.
2019, from images made 1972 to 1997.

.....another memory of a hot summer day comes to mind. A Saturday afternoon, probably in 1969. The window open and John Peel's Top Gear on my pre-war valve radio which I had, of course, painted fluorescent orange. Very quietly (I did not want to annoy the neighbours again) but just loud enough for me to hear them, Captain Beefheart, Soft Machine, Wild Man Fischer, The GTOs, Fairport Convention, Nico, Velvet Underground, et. al., came into my room: great cohorts of gods and goddesses, tiny electric spirits making the air alive.......

That afternoon, I became aware of a presence outside. A man, in dark trousers and scuffed boots was standing in the middle of the road, his shirt and jacket draped over his arm, bare chested, athletic, upright and bold, a grey flat cap on his head. For a moment, in the tarmac melting heat, he looked like a being from another planet, or a messenger from the gods, who had just arrived on earth. He stood, surveying what might have been a temple of this civilisation: the small, semi-detached house at the top of the cul-de-sac, with bright yellow paintwork, a pond all but filling the small front garden, with a votive pink flamingo and plastic lilies, and painted gnomes angling for real orange fish. To the right of the house there was a garage, the bricks at its top blocked out in black and white to give a crenellated effect, and in front a new lime green and chrome Ford Capri gleamed in the sun. Mr Budgen was a miner at Betteshanger, just south west of Richborough. Every working day he would walk, often before dawn, quiet and grey and unnoticed, to the top of the hill, by the phone box, where the colliery bus collected him. At the end of his shift he would return, like a grey ghost, floating silently over the pavement and back into the temple of his home. But that day for a moment, as he stood solidly in the middle of the road, he looked to me like an incarnation of something hidden, but vital to any world. He seemed to be at once the agent, the servant and the embodiment of power.....

From: 36 Views of Richborough Power Station
From: 36 Views of Richborough Power Station.
2019, from images made 1972 to 1997.

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Images and texts by P.F.WHITE (Peter Frankland White). ACTIVE: 196Os to the present. LOCATION: Europe (United Kingdom). SUBJECTS: vision, perception, location, time(s), class, power, rhilopia. STYLE: exploratory, aggregative, aleatory, attentive, punctum averse.

All material (except where otherwise acknowledged) is © Peter Frankland White, , and may not be reproduced in any form without written consent. See: Notes on Rights, Ethics, Privacy and Consent. Page design by Allpicture.